Why You Shouldn’t Watch the World Cup

Throughout history, the sports entertainment industry has been considered a beloved spectacle that creates inerasable memories and unites communities around the globe, but it is becoming increasingly evident that these events have often been used to cover up more pain than the joy they provide. Powerful agencies use the sports industry as a guise for their cruel and monstrous crimes, and nowhere is that more evident than the upcoming World Cup in Qatar, requiring immediate action from everyone - even the fans behind the screen.

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Hayden SousaComment
Shining Light on Dark Money in Politics

Political spending from anonymous donors—dark money—has infected American politics on both sides of the aisle through elections and the court system. One Senator in particular has been on a years-long crusade to shine light on the problem, but his most recent attempt was blocked in the Senate. Voters deserve accountability in government and it is our representatives’ responsibility to take action on dark money.

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Daniel ArnoldComment
The Refugee Double Standard

A bright moment in the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been the remarkable welcoming of millions of Ukrainian refugees into bordering European countries. However, this prompts the comparison to Europe’s less rosey reception of Middle Eastern refugees in the recent past.

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Media Perceptions: Painting a Distorted Image of Guilt and Innocence

Johnny Depp is a name we grew up with. Appearing in Pirates of the Caribbean, the 2005 remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (amongst numerous other Tim Burton films), it is also a name that is caught in the midst of a civil suit that is feeding into the existing social culture surrounding domestic violence and abuse. Whether a Johnny fan or a mere spectator, understanding public perceptions in Depp v. Heard characterizes the nature of bias, influence, and resulting polarization through the media.

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