¿Se acerca el final de la monarquía española?

Este artículo cubrirá el debate actual sobre la monarquía española. Algunos dicen que es una institución anticuada y que ahora es corrupta y fuera de contacto con la gente española. Sin embargo, otros creen que es un símbolo clave de la unidad y la tradición, y por lo tanto debe ser preservada como una institución. A pesar de todo, es un debate que probablemente continuará para España, y creo que, si la monarquía desea sobrevivir, debe escuchar las preocupaciones de la gente y tomarlas en serio.

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Food Insecurity in Washington, D.C.

Despite being projected to decrease in the last year before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the food insecurity crisis numbers looming over our nation’s capital have become even more salient. The problem rests in the maldistribution of resources to historically underserved communities, especially Washington, D.C.’s Black population. In order to achieve a solution to the deeply rooted barriers to food justice, non-profit organizations have been at the forefront of addressing the gaps in the city’s policies through an intersectional lens.

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SocietyAdina MobinComment
Covid’s Final Affliction: Education Inequality

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools across the United States to abruptly transition to virtual learning. This change has affected millions of students, but especially those who have unequal internet access, don’t have a safe space at home to do their work, etc. This will have long-term consequences for both students and the education system at large.

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SocietySofia HeartneyComment