As tensions between the United States, North Korea, and South Korea rise, adhering to diplomatic courses of action becomes increasingly essential, despite the assertions of proponents of hard power.
Read MoreOccasionally, North Korea is handed an opportunity to smile for the cameras and look innocent. The Pyeongchang Olympics was one of them.
Read MoreThe myth of American Exceptionalism and how it detrimentally affects the LGBTQ+ rights movements around the globe.
Read MoreThe current structure of academic research that demands many more students that leaders is unsustainable, leaving thousands of would-be academics unemployed in their profession - or just plain unemployed.
Read MoreA crash course on how localities can be on the forefront of environmental conservation and sustainable development.
Read MoreOnly ten years ago, the Commonwealth of Virginia experienced an economic boom that saved most Virginians from the worst of the Great Recession. During Virginia’s 2017 Gubernatorial election, however, addressing the economy was a topic of intense debate. Serious underlying problems have come into the public view, and hard decisions are coming for Virginian policymakers.
Read MoreIn light of recent events in Cataluña, Spain and their claims for secession and independence from the rest of the country, as well as Britain’s very recent exit from the European Union, people remain utterly perplexed in regards to the logistics and complexity of the process of “breaking away.” Is there a “right” way to make the case for separation, a correct and legitimate way of going about initiating independence?
Read MoreAs an American student studying abroad in Denmark, I have observed and experienced stark differences between the American and Danish healthcare systems, most notably the fact that Denmark provides universal healthcare for its citizens. There are elements of the Danish system that could be implemented in the United States to increase the access and quality of U.S. care, particularly the Danish primary care model.
Read MoreThe Parkland students stand out for their direct confrontation of the gun-rights debate, in an age where directness and politics have become antithetical.
Read MoreLast week, the United Nations convened its 62nd Session on the Status of Women with the theme, “Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls.” But perhaps what many of those rural women and girls across the 193 member states of the U.N. really need is protection from the U.N. peacekeepers sent to help them.
Read MoreThe issue of immigration reform has been a staple in Congressional debate since Trump took office. However, the GOP focus on immigration as a tool to stimulate the US economy through the prioritization of “highly-skilled workers,” while outwardly neutral, may become racially discriminatory and harmful to the US labor force in practice.
Read MoreHow did Mao Zedong deal with dangerous political polarization in his country? Vigorously and with great force.
Read MoreCharleston and Parkland: two tragedies, two presidents, two responses to the same modern horror.
Read MoreTo tackle the true source of poverty in the United States, policymakers and advocates need to look at the country’s history of housing discrimination and develop solutions that build inclusive communities.
Read MorePresident Trump is spearheading an American revival of “whataboutism” -- the old Soviet, finger-pointing technique. Mr. Trump and his supporters are using the rhetorical device to consistently divert attention away from important issues, ranging from white supremacist rallies to Russian collusion.
Read MoreTragedy and violence have unfortunately dotted recent history. So why do we remember some of these tragedies, but not others?
Read MoreThe Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will incentivize private equity firms to focus on improving the profitability of portfolio companies as a means of generating acceptable returns for limited partners.
Read MoreIn the midst of increasing tension between the United States and North Korea, it seems as though a permanent ambassador to one of our closest allies in the region would be a top priority for the Trump Administration.
Read MoreMany people across America, especially in rural areas, lack access to broadband internet, and progress has been slow on finding a solution.
Read MoreIn defense of a moderate American nationalism
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