While science can be a tool for helping others, it can also be an important component of political influence and international relations. This article explores the United States’ approach to vaccine distribution and access in the context of global vaccine diplomacy.
Read MoreLa lucha por un salario mínimo de $15 la hora para los trabajadores ha existido por más de una década. El salario mínimo fue creado para establecer un nivel básico de vida. El gobierno necesita subirlo para proteger a sus ciudadanos y su bienestar.
Read MoreWhy capitalists don’t care about your health—but should.
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic restructured the ways we think about our politics, our activism, and the obligations our values ought to ask of us. Now at the apparent end of the worst of it--but certainly not the ripples it will yield--it may be worth reflecting on what we might learn about rugged individualism and philanthropy through the lens this past year has offered.
Read MoreIn our age of decentralized information, we spend a lot of time arguing about what is true—but perhaps we should be arguing about morals, instead.
Read MoreSingapore’s rapid economic development within a mere 60 years is unprecedented for an authoritarian regime; being one of the world’s richest nations, however, comes at the cost of denying Singaporeans their intrinsic right to political freedom and mobilization. Upon puncturing the glass façade of Singapore’s affluence, one is left to pick up the sharp pieces of authoritarian rule, slicing the fingers that pried when they shouldn’t have...
Read MoreThe welfare state has grown increasingly bogged down with inefficient and counterproductive practices. One solution: consolidating the welfare state into a single, empirically-supported system in order to waste less and help more.
Read MoreWhen it comes to foreign policy, the United States seems to be suffering from an identity crisis—and nowhere is this more apparent than China. Here’s how Biden could fix that.
Read MoreThe marriage of the once-dissident country genre and the Republican Party, far from natural and long-standing, was manufactured as a part of Nixon’s Southern Strategy.
Read MoreAmericans are divided. Knowing the truth about the Civil War is crucial for our reunion.
Read MoreNeither voting nor activism on their own is sufficient to bring about the systemic changes that need to occur in the United States. When used together, however, they can pave the way for significant change in the future.
Read MoreScience isn’t the answer to bad politics; better politics is.
Read MoreThe Keystone XL has received significant opposition, but after considering its economic advantages and minimal risk, President Biden may want to reconsider his decision.
Read MoreAmericans don’t understand government welfare, and this ignorance has created a dangerous and unfounded stigma against the poor. We have come to conflate welfare with government handouts, and government handouts with poverty, when in reality welfare plays a large role in all of our lives—and an extensive role in the lives of the rich.
Read MoreThe outliers of the international system have posed a special problem for American diplomacy and will continue to do so unless there is a shift in American international policy.
Read MoreReproductive justice activists across the United States elected the Biden-Harris administration under the condition they would protect the right to an abortion. Without doubt, abortion is a decisive issue for all voters, yet the issue of abortion is dynamic within political and religious history and took key figures and events to make it as politized of an issue as it is today.
Read MoreFor decades, Florida was one of the most hotly contested battleground states in the country. Now, it’s becoming reliably Republican. What’s caused Florida’s rightward shift and what does it mean for the future?
Read MoreRobert F. Kennedy’s vision lives on in Joe Biden’s presidency.
Read MoreThere are more women in the U.S. government than ever before, but representation should not be the excuse given for stagnant legislation. Women in politics should be judged based on how they actually help other women, not heralded as simple emblems of their gender.
Read MorePresident Biden has been forced to prioritize the COVID-19 pandemic for his first months in office, leaving questions as to how his foreign policy will take form. There are three main global issues that Biden can focus on to differentiate himself from his predecessors and make a positive impact.
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