Posts in Politics
Disappointing Nostalgia in the House of Representatives

As right-wing extremism occupies the plans of select Republican Congresspersons, parallels can be drawn between the optics and strategies of GOP dissenters of the 2020s and the Tea Party Republicans of the 2010s. While their similarities are striking, differences in representation suggest that the kind of rhetoric of select Republicans falls onto the deaf, unrequited ears of the electorate.

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Rethinking the Naturalization Test: Assessing Knowledge and Language Proficiency with Equity

The trial testing of redesigned naturalization tests announced by USCIS in December 2022 include increased difficulty in a standardized English-speaking portion and an updated civics test. Increasing the difficulty of the English-speaking test could create barriers for non-English speakers seeking U.S. citizenship, reinforcing discrimination. The historical and current attempts to make English the official language in the U.S. have and could increase discrimination towards people who speak languages other than English.

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The Mystique of the Off Year

Virginia is different from many other states in America in the fact that it holds off-year congressional elections, a choice made centuries ago that has withstood the test of time. Considering the many other changes in Virginia since then, why has this policy persisted and what implications do these off-year elections have on politics in Virginia?

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Mareas de cambio: elecciones latinoamericanas 2023 y la oleada anti-incumbente

En una región todavía tratando con violaciones de derechos humanos y que sigue luchando por democracia, las elecciones presidenciales tienen el poder de definir el futuro de las relaciones latinoamericanas con el resto del mundo. Aquí se presentan las elecciones presidenciales latinoamericanas a través de un tema que puede proveer una perspectiva nueva sobre estas elecciones tan importantes.

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